Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring is in The Air...

.... Actually, not really. It was really nice outside up until last week where we had a tornado and now its snowing down hard with lots of thunder (who's heard of thunder with snow? Very weird). It was pretty intense last week. A tree fell on our mini van and one fell down out in the field, and the back of our house two trees in our neighbors yard, came out of the ground and fell on the power line and started a small fire. The fire department came and and they tried to stop it (we were all on the front porch watching!) and there was a small explosion and they yelled for us to get in the house, so we went in and started watching from the window and a fireman came and told us they would tell us when we should go in the basement, my mom also said that they were welcome to come to our basement if they needed to come in. They didn't (unfortunately!) Anyway, enough talk. Here are some pictures.

Behind the house is where the tree fell on the power line and the power went off for a couple hours. It brings back a funny memory where we had a bad storm a while ago and the power went off, and Robyn ran down the stairs to everyone and said "Don't worry, everything is OK, I have the chips!".

And a week later....

What's wrong with these pictures??

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